Ihobe and social responsibility

We promote the development of the organisations in our social environment

We take an active role in activities where we can fulfil a social role that aligns with our abilities and values and supports our strategy. We support measures that contribute to environmental sustainability. Above all, we value cooperation, integration and education.

Main milestones in 2021

New version of the procurement procedure enables direct hiring from social enterprises.

Donation of 50 computers to ten NGOs via a participative process.

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Around 15% of new hires from social enterprises, which is above the 5% established by the Basque Government.

+€ 0

billed by social enterprises and special job centres.

6 social enterprises and special job centres hired.

Review of template documents to ensure social clauses are effective.


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budget in

0 %

budget execution in 2021

100 %


0 days

on average to pay invoices to suppliers in 2021