More about Ihobe


This public agency undertakes ongoing cooperation with other organisations and fosters a spirit of collaboration around environmental policy which has widespread benefits for all of Basque society.

Ihobe works closely with the following bodies:


In 2021,
Ihobe’s suppliers wanted more knowledge on clean technologies, climate change adaptation and green procurement.
Ihobe organises the annual Ihobe Supplier Forum to disseminate its lines of work and its recruitment plan. The forum supports the strategic needs for knowledge or support in this subsector, both in Ihobe and for socio-economic agents across the Basque Country. The needs of the participating companies are recorded through the forum.

Ihobe and environmental communication

At Ihobe, we believe that quality environmental communication is key to making society more sustainable. In 2021, we continued to promote the Environmental Journalism in the Basque Country Award and the Environmental Communication School, and we launched the En verde-Berdean podcast on sustainability and the environment.

Environmental Communication School

We have a collaboration agreement with the Association of Environmental Journalists (APIA). This led to the creation, among other initiatives, of the Environmental Communication School comprising summer courses at the University of the Basque Country to address two key concerns: communication and the environment.

The third edition of the Environmental Communication School, held on 8th and 9th September 2021, looked at the energy and climate transition in the context of a critical period of social and economic transformation that includes the environment.

Environmental Journalism Award

We work with the Basque Association and College of Journalists (CVP-AVP). Since 2019, it has promoted the Environmental Journalism in the Basque Country Award that recognises journalists working on sustainable development, climate change and natural environment conservation, among other matters.

The 2021 winner was Eva Caballero, journalist and director for the ‘La Mecánica del Caracol’ programme on Radio Euskadi. An experienced journalist, she conducts her work with rigour and responsibility.

Podcast chanel

In 2021 we launched En verde-Berdean, a podcast by Ihobe on sustainability and the environment led by the journalist Begoña Beristain. The podcast gives a platform to people and organisations working towards a more sustainable lifestyle model. It discusses their experiences and projects linked to the natural environment and environmental challenges in the Basque Country.
In the first episode, we heard from the writer and naturalist Gabi Martínez. In the second, we were joined by Lexeia Larrañaga and Alex Gutiérrez, Director and Producer, respectively, of Avis Producciones. In the third, we heard from Adriana Uribesalgo, Creative Director and co-founder of Ekmodo. In the fourth, Izaskun Suberbiola took us into the Mater ecoactive museum. In the fifth, the writer, scientific communicator and environmental expert Andreu Escrivà discussed some keys to halting climate change. And in the last episode of 2021, Alexander Boto, General Director of Ihobe, looked at the past, present and future environmental challenges in the Basque Country.